Objective: To analyse the feasibility, advantages and restriction of implementation of full coverage policy of essential drugs for some chronic diseases in primary medical institutions in Shaanxi Province. Methods: According to the level of economic development and geographical location, eight districts (counties) were selected and five primary medical institutions in each district (county) were chosen to be surveyed. Semi-structured interviews were conducted among institution managers, and all general medical practitioners were surveyed through questionnaires. Resuults: A total of 150 general medical practitioners participated in the survey and the majority of the practitioners believed that it was possible to implement full coverage of some essential drugs. But, funding gap compensation, management difficulties, and insufficient varieties of drugs may become the obstacles. The results of the survey showed that there was a certain basis for the drug supply and chronic disease management in the primary medical institutions, but the level of diagnosis and treatment of chronic diseases was uneven in the districts and institutions and it was needed to be further standardized. Conclusion: There was a certain feasibility to implement full coverage policy of some essential drugs for chronic diseases in primary medical institutions in Shaanxi Province. Moreover, the policy had been recognized by managers and relevant medical practitioners in primary medical institutions. However, the level of diagnosis and treatment of chronic diseases, source of funding, and drug supply guarantee and so on still needed to be improved.
Key words
chronic diseases; essential drugs; full coverage; drug supply guarantee; primary medical institution; funding gap
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