Investigation on Knowledge, Attitude and Practice on Antibiotics among Undergraduates of Sichuan University

Zhao Yingnan, Jiang Yu, Wu Yuxiao, Liu Wanqing, Zhou Naitong

Chinese Pharmaceutical Affairs ›› 2017, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (12) : 1522-1526.

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Chinese Pharmaceutical Affairs ›› 2017, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (12) : 1522-1526. DOI: 10.16153/j.1002-7777.2017.12.025
Rational Medication

Investigation on Knowledge, Attitude and Practice on Antibiotics among Undergraduates of Sichuan University

  • Zhao Yingnan1, Jiang Yu2, Zhou Naitong2, Wu Yuxiao3, Liu Wanqing3
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Objective: To investigate the knowledge, attitude and practice on antibiotics among undergraduates. Methods: A questionnaire survey using the method of stratifed sampling both online and offline was conducted. Resuults: A total of 363 valid questionnaires were received and medical students accounted for 50.41%. Results indicated that the overall understanding of antibiotics knowledge was limited. Students frem medical majors who learned the relevant lenowledge of antibiotics superior to students from other majors. With regard to students from medical majors, Clinical pharmacy students have better understanding of antibiotics than students from other majors. Conclusion: The acquisition of antibiotics knowledge among undergraduates of Sichuan University still needs to be strengthened. The awareness of correct application of antibiotics among undergraduates and the level of rational drug use can be improved through the education of University.

Key words

antibiotics; acquisition of knowledge; attitude; behavior; undergraduate

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Zhao Yingnan, Jiang Yu, Wu Yuxiao, Liu Wanqing, Zhou Naitong. Investigation on Knowledge, Attitude and Practice on Antibiotics among Undergraduates of Sichuan University[J]. Chinese Pharmaceutical Affairs, 2017, 31(12): 1522-1526


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