Quality Analysis on Fructus Amomum and Its Prepared Slices

Su Chang, Du Xiaojuan, Liu Xueting, Song Xiaoxiao, Wang Yang, Wang Shuhong, Wang Tiejie

Chinese Pharmaceutical Affairs ›› 2018, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (11) : 1483-1489.

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Chinese Pharmaceutical Affairs ›› 2018, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (11) : 1483-1489. DOI: 10.16153/j.1002-7777.2018.11.006

Quality Analysis on Fructus Amomum and Its Prepared Slices

  • Su Chang, Du Xiaojuan, Liu Xueting, Song Xiaoxiao, Wang Yang, Wang Shuhong, Wang Tiejie
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Objective: To evaluate and analyze the quality of domestic Fructus Amomum and to lay a scientific basis for drug regulation and the improvement of quality standards. Methods: Samples were thoroughly tested according to the legal standards. Traits and DNA barcode were combined to verify the authenticity of the samples. Based on the results, total amount of volatile oil of genuine and fake products and the content of borneol acetate have undergone correlation analysis. Results: Traits and the content of borneol acetate were the main unqualified items according to the legal standards, and fruits from close-related species were the adulterants. Conclusion: The overall quality of domestic Fructus Amomum needs to be improved, and the quality control can be achieved by improving the quality standards, adding more specific and quantifiable traits as well as DNA barcode identification and so on.

Key words

Fructus Amomum;legal standards;the improvement of quality standards;DNA barcode;correlation analysis

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Su Chang, Du Xiaojuan, Liu Xueting, Song Xiaoxiao, Wang Yang, Wang Shuhong, Wang Tiejie. Quality Analysis on Fructus Amomum and Its Prepared Slices[J]. Chinese Pharmaceutical Affairs, 2018, 32(11): 1483-1489 https://doi.org/10.16153/j.1002-7777.2018.11.006


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